How to Prepare for an Emergency


You never know when you might have to leave your home on short notice. A nuclear incident is only one possibility. Floods, fires, chemical spills or severe illness could occur at any time. Preparing now will help you respond more quickly in any emergency.

Emergency Kit

Keep an emergency kit – portable radio, flashlight, extra batteries, extra car keys, first aid kit and other items – in a special place that the whole family can easily locate. Write a list of the items you would want to take if you had to leave home quickly and post the list in a convenient spot. Be sure to keep a supply of all the items on your list. Gather any important documents that you might need in an emergency and keep them together in a safe place that you can access quickly and easily.


Maintain your vehicle in good running order or go to your closest emergency bus pickup point to get to the Reception Center. If you will need transportation in an emergency, contact the Oswego County Emergency Management Office now to register at 315.591.9150.  please click here to complete and return the Access & Functional Needs reply card.

Certified Service Animals & Pets (including emotional support, comfort, & therapy animals)

Certified service animals as defined under Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) will be permitted to enter all areas of the reception center and congregate care facilities.

For the safety of you, your pet, and other evacuees a dedicated area within the NYS Fairgrounds Reception Center will be available to provide radiological monitoring, decontamination and registration services for evacuees and their pets. It is advised that you have an evacuation/sheltering plan for your pet(s) prior to your arrival as there will be NO BOARDING ACCOMODATIONS (short or long term) at the NYS Fairgrounds Reception Center. Additional information can be obtained from your veterinarian and shelters located outside of the Emergency Planning Zone.

For more detailed information and assistance for protection of pets and livestock during an emergency, contact the Oswego County Emergency Management Office at 315-591-9150.